T heroublefell to 37 .03 perdollaronFriday,its w orst valuationsincethecurrencyw asrestructuredin 1998. T hetum blecom esw eeks after R ussia‘s central bankpledgedtointervene less inthe currency’s valuation.
It alsofollow speacetalksin M insk be-tw een U krainian President PetroPoroshenkoandR ussianPresident V ladim ir PutininM insk.T h e m arket m ay h ave found th e talks“disappointing”andrenew edits concernoversanctions,saidM anikN arain,em ergingm ar-ket strategist at U BS .
E uropean U nion leaders agreed lateSaturdaytodraw upoptions w ithinaw eekforpossible new sanctions against R ussia,w ithac-tiontofollow quicklyunless M oscow takes clearsteps toscale backits interventioninU kraine.
A freshm ovetotightensanctions againstR ussiaw ill fuel tensions betw eenBrussels andMoscow and could lead to retaliation fromR ussia,w hich deniesit hassent troopsintoU kraine. E arlierthism onth,R ussiabannedim ports onaw ide range of foodandagricultureproducts from theE U inresponsetoW esternsanctions.
據(jù)悉,歐盟對俄實體部門的制裁將令俄經(jīng)濟今年損失230億歐元、明年損失750億歐元,分別占其國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值的1.5%和4.8%。不過,歐盟委員會預(yù)計,由于歐盟對俄羅斯實施制裁,歐盟今明兩年將分別減少400億歐元和500億歐元收入,分別占G D P的0.3%和0.4%。
T heoutlookfor theroublew as unchangedcom paredw ithlast m onth‘s poll,w iththeR ussiancurrencyseenstrengtheningslightlytoaround36.5against the dollar and47.5againstthe eurobyyear-end.